Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hello! My name is Caitlin and I'm a beginner at living gluten-free. This blog is dedicated to my new found diet and all the experimental cooking I will be doing. In addition, I'm a vegetarian and will be posting vegetarian recipes as well.

A little bit of history. I've always had problems with my stomach and never knew the reason why. I thought it was a diary intolerance (which I also have and try not to eat all the time) so I cut dairy out of my diet and the problem still remained. My best friend, who has Celiac disease, insisted I cut gluten out of my diet to see if it was the culprit. Low and behold, I felt better. I'm bummed about my recent discovery, as I love all things gluten (i.e bread, pasta, pretzels, and everything else delicious) but determined to still eat scrumptiously. So, now I'm in the process of learning about this diet, its restrictions, and how to make gluten-free food. Please join me on this journey to finding food which tastes as good everything on the menu at Olive Garden (I kid, kid! cause that's gross.) I warn you now, some things may not come out delicious but I will eat it anyway. Another warning, my camera is older than your mother and I'm not a photographer.

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